
MTB Tour “Panoramic Lake”

Valle di Ledro is full of special places with always new and unexpected views and the best part is that getting there is really easy!

It is one of the largest and most varied valleys in Trentino and is liked precisely for this reason, it is capable of surprising you at any moment. There are many places that conquer the heart with their panorama, with this tour we will make you fall in love!


The tour takes place on Monday, starting at 9:00 am.
The duration of the itinerary is approximately 4 hours.


The cost is € 35.00 per person (minimum 5 people, pets not allowed).
For groups with more than 5 people a 10% discount will be applied.


Level: 3.5 / 5 - Difference in height: +/- 700m - Technique: 2.5 / 5 - Km: 20


INFO: the cost includes MTB guide, mechanical assistance during the route. MTB suitable for touring and helmet. RESERVATION REQUIRED.

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